We are on Netflix!

Several films produced by Libra Film Productions and its sister company Hai-Hui Entertainment are now available on Netflix.com! The films can be watched exclusively on Romanian territory.  Update (December 10, 2019). Two additions to the list: Cinema, mon amour (d. Alexandru Belc, 2015) Cinema, mon amour follows the story of Victor Purice – manager, former projectionist […]

”The Windseeker” enters post-production

Mihai Sofronea’s first feature film, Căutătorul de vânt/ The Windseeker, has recently finished shooting and enters post-production. The last ten days of filming took place until mid-October in Turcoaia, Dobrogea.  The film features Dan Bordeianu, Olimpia Melinte and Adrian Titieni and follows the story of Radu, a man living in a continuous inertia. One day […]