“Legacy” at Cottbus

After having its world premiere in the competition of Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur (September 27 – October 4), Urma/ Legacy, the debut feature of actor and director Dorian Boguță will be screened at The FilmFestival Cottbus, in Spectrum section, on November 7. “This directing debut from actor Dorian Boguţă features a suspenseful […]
“October”, in development at MFI Script 2 Film Workshops

The first feature film of director and scriptwriter Cristian Pascariu, October, is taking its final shape these days, within MFI Script 2 Film Workshops. The third session took place in Rhodes (Greece), between 13th and 20th of October, 2019, and the fourth and final one will be online, this December. The script has a very […]